Look above to see samples of my writing, and some interesting blogs and links I keep up with.
And I am also writing a book.
My aunt has already written a book.

This is me
Up here you can click to see my Circle of Trust, some of my favorite bands and authors. Also you can see lists of my favorite albums and films and books from each year. Also check out some photos I have taken in various cool places.
What are these links on the right side of the page?
These are links to things that interest me. Expand your horizons!
My name is Jim Sanders. I am a computer programmmer with as many years to know technology's past and the skills and curiousity to see technology move into the future. I am also an amateur novelist, and I like to read, travel, experience new music and films, and to walk around and pet dogs. If you are stressed out and experiencing a dire need to see a cute dog, please click the button below.
Do you want to play a game?
Clicking one of these buttons will take you to a video of puppies running in slow motion! Another button takes you into my web page time machine to the year 1998. Still another shows some cool animations. But one button will take you to a place that is horrifying and strange! Do you dare to choose the right button????

I also have a page dedicated to my favorite music festivals. I attended the Cornerstone Festival numerous times from 1991 through the festivals final year, 2012. There is also a website dedicated to the Audiofeed Festival, which continues the Cornerstone legacy each summer in Urbana Illinois, and is awesome.

A wonderful friend of mine, Jenny Soldan, recently passed away after a long struggle with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. Jenny was a very special person. Click here to know more about this wonderful lady.