The Fringe - Other links, Cool and/or Weird Stuff
Some weird stuff
The Ship of Fools, the site for Christian unrest
Make your own Lego character
Lark News (you have to grow up in the church to understand it)
The Wittenburg Door (pretty much the only Christian satire magazine)
The Colbert Nation
Stuff White People Like
Stuff Christians Like (OK, so it's a ripoff, but amusing nonetheless)
The Reformation Polka
The King James song
Viking Kittens!
A handy link to check if the Large Hadron Collider has destroyed the world
The Large Hadron Collider rap!
Tired of boring preachers? Check out Baby Preacher!
For your musical enjoyment, remember, Jesus is My Friend
Nicolas Cage's The Wicker Man: all you really need to see of this film
Other pages
Some classic music videos
A tutorial on Emotional Intelligence