Here's are some other short stories I've written:
ScatterTime: A team from the 23rd century was sent back in time to stop aliens from infiltrating society. But a malfunctionioning time machine has caused the team to become scattered throughout a period of years. The few surviving members gather in the year 2010 to discover the aliens are working in an unexpected way, through a refreshing beverage.
Sleeperhold: A professional wrestling fan discovers that his devotion can haunt his dreams
Georgia-Lina: A classic rock DJ struggles to cope with the changes of the industry and of life
The Visitor: A blogger discovers how much his obsession with his own opinions can cost him.
You can read some journals of my trip to the Cornerstone music festival here:
Past Cornerstone Reports:
Here are some yearly journals of books I have read:
Link to a book written by my aunt, Marguerite Cobb. This is a fictionalized account of the lives of my great-great-grandfather and great-great-grandmother during the Civil War:
Sarah's Trip to Rolla: A Tragedy of the Civil War
A link to a sermon by Ern Baxter at my former church, New Covenant Fellowship, when I was just a baby, in 1969. My mother transcribed the sermon from a reel-to-reel tape player onto an electric typewriter:
Ern Baxter sermon, July 12, 1969
Some interesting writing-oriented link (not my own):